If this doesn't pop up the console, you might need to activate debug mode in the game's launch options first. It makes the games run at a higher tickspeed, although doing much of anything will cause increased lag. Prints data collected since the debug_events command was last executed. OK GUYS HERE IS THE SOLUTİON 100%: First you need to download Sublime Text. Non historical, there’s no guessing what could happen. My laptop runs hoi faster than my desktop. 000 and add the following code block behind it. What can i doGo to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by. Close the Launcher after choosing the mods, reconnect to the internet and go into your files and start the game directly over the Hoi. SouljaboyAirpods • 1 yr. The speed!!!!! (part 2 now with debug_smooth)Select Properties. Menu. More posts from the hoi4 community. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Use this command to turn the trees on or off. r. Tilde key (~) left of the 1 key. 8 mod, and turnon the new local one, (now it should automatically turn its name as 'Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod. ago. For me it just suddenly got better. Optimized game rule checks by finding the game rule in the game rule database more efficiently. 5. have to rely on debug_smooth just to play the game. There is several things to do to get the game to run quicker. debug_events: Comienza el recuento de eventos. Use debug_smooth when you are not doing anything. The Greek focus tree has been massively expanded increasing the focuses number from 120 to 718! Countries that can be released from the "Decentralize Greece" focus have a unique focus tree with 61 focuses!Useful console commands for your playthrough. Tag switch to Vatican City and annex every country that is irrelevant to your playthrough. Also my fps is always under 15. Try restarting the launcher. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game…Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by. ago. It almost doubles the speed of. Are these things I do useful for my ingame performance? (I dont mind laggy gameplay, all I care about is pretty much how fast time goes by)This launcher supports debug mode (for more info #2), however the only way to start HOI4 in debug with this launcher is to use a command line and start the executable with -debug argument or to add the launcher as a non steam game and pass the argument from there. R5: As USSR, after WW2, during the conference I puppets the entire Germany, but all of a sudden, west germany, east germany and germany all come out of nowhere after I invited germany into my faction, and almost. The files in. Tight_Cicada_3415 • 1 min. This can be resolved by clicking on the supply hubs and it should be on the left side of the 3 selections (top is the upgrade the rails, right is the choose the trucks or horses, and then the other option is change who gets supplies. Lädt Assets neu. Debug_rivers: it turns on/off rivers. Open 'DocumentsParadox InteractiveHearts of iron IVSave Games' , open the newly created savegame file, search (CTRL-F) for the name of your generic created Admiral. It is recommended you enable this as it is very helpful. Also, in general, get Spot Optimization mod, which increases the speed of hoi4, with or without mods, in general. So it’s best to use it while. Only implemented on Windows at the time of writing. ago. The devs are working on an update. I have 550 hours (I learned the game at my 300th hour lol) and my achievements are Cut The Strings, The Empire Strikes Back, Friend in Need, Hellenic Civility and Ottoman achievement. Open the console and enter the ‘debug smooth’ command. Either get Nzxt cam or something similar and check tour pc’s stats when playing. • 27 days ago. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight. debug_fronts: Toggles the interpolated fronts debug screen. r/hoi4. exe" to "custom. Hoi4 Console Commands. 99% of posted videos are the 1936 start. 162. debug_ai_budget [Country Tag] Prints the AI budget information to the game’s console. I played HOI4 with an external screen, keyboard and mouse only (no HOI4 mods). 2. Debug_smooth: it turns on/off the frame smoothing. memes_in_space • 2 yr. debug_borders. Sets the initial speed of the game (0-4). Cheats that don’t feel cheat-y. subscribers . debug_smooth weather whatever these commands enable/disable should be the default. This page includes help on how to use the command, argument explanation and examples. I played a game as Russia and turned on debug mode to see if I was in ironman and to check if you keep the national spirits gained from the tree after the civil war. COLD WAR GUI. fuel_gain <amount> : fuel x but it trickles in daily. i think i bugged game. Debug_smooth Reply DaRealKili Research Scientist •. Don’t worry, I am currently playing HOI4 on a fossilized 2015 MacBook, all you have to do is remember a few tricks : Open the commands section (on the very top left of your computer, °) and enter debug_smooth. ago. Disable any mods which mess with resources, and add non-UI features. On the 6th of June of this year, it was made available to the general public all around the globe. C. ago. Join. 499. 380K subscribers in the hoi4 community. 336K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Help, this appear for some reason after I accidentally clicked on some stuff. nuke [amount] Adds the said amount of nukes to your country. Nymphex May 31, 2021 @ 5:01am. 2. This mod mainly adds new states, releasable and formable nations, but at the same time enhances the gameplay through additional decisions. 0 and on base hoi4. I never knew about it's existence before. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. ago. Please paradox make debug_smooth an option on the menu . Finally, invest in a good. Debug_smooth is a console command that prioritizes hardware towards the game, reducing input device priority. And if you want to hear anything about the mod and its community, I'd recommend you to join MD Discord. Best CPU for HOI4 is the one which has the highest performance on 1 core. 3. Maybe reducing gfx down if you can. 4. This Mode is a Unique Optimization Mode For Hoi4. In conclusion, there are several ways to speed up HOI4; however, players must be aware of the limitations of each. Hotfix with more performance tweaks is coming this weekend so you can wait and see if it helps at all. debug_smooth Turn off fancy stuff from video settings, 3d buildings, high quality pixel shaders, etc. Or play it while it’s slow and wait until one day it speeds up again. 打开Debug模式是【钢铁雄心4】Mod制作基础教程【合集】的第3集视频,该合集共计19集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。. What are other ways of making Hearts Of Iron 4 run faster? This. Reply . 2. Logical CPU 0-7 in view now. BlobBeno • 5 yr. gain_xp. Go a few lines below to max_traits=0. CPU. ago. New comments cannot be posted and votes. Johan said they were considering trying some things to improve the performance but we haven't heard anything about that lately. . Turn off day night view. I don't know if this is still the case with the coordination mechanic and such. ReplyIs there is any other mods that simplify the game to make it run faster, or anything else I can do? U can use console commands. I basically just bought HOI4 and got the DLC, installed TNO, and everything seems fine. I'm playing as Saudi Arabia and Turkey suddenly wages war on me and even though I can hold them back with ease I don't want war because of some…🔶 Mi libro de Pacheco: TODOS LOS VIDEOS DE PACHECO!!. 364K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Debug_smooth – enable or disable frame smoothing. Posted by u/appleSAUCE6488 - 2 votes and 8 commentsIn non democratic states the lower pre-war economy laws are usually skipped so pretty useless. Use debug_smooth when you are not doing anything. In Hoi4 Console Commands post we will cover all new DLC cheats and tips to make hearts of iron 4 optimize at best level. I played an Imperial Germany campaign with the sole purpose of causing chaos. Making Hearts Of Iron 4faster? Other than lowering graphics, removing unneeded countries and the console command debug_smooth. 371K subscribers in the hoi4 community. I have no problems with other hoi4 mods, even large ones like TNO. why does hoi4 on my new pc with a ryzen 7 5600 and rtx 2060 super run like 50% faster than my old pc that had a gpu from 2009 and a cpu that is 10 years old. But it massively improves performance. The speed!!!!! (part 2 now with debug_smooth) r/hoi4. debug_assert: Activa o desactiva las afirmaciones. ago. The speed!!!!! (part 2 now with debug_smooth)I think you should get a better grasp of how division design works. Open the HOI4 launcher and enable it there. Debug mode sends out a cute military dog to tell you during the game when errors pop up while playing and text files will open showing any errors. Debug_events: Debug_events: Este comando iniciará a contagem de eventos, os dados de impressão coletados a partir. Typing -debug into launch option is just to enable the debug mode isn't it? I'm sure it does enabled debug mode but it still can't use the spawn command. log: debug_events: Rozpoczęcie liczenia zdarzeń: debug_dumpevents: Wrzucenie danych zdarzenia do logu gry. EU4 you get straight shit on in under 20 years if you're clue less. The files in this location are not removed on a clean install hence why that didn't solve the problem. You can also type debug_smooth in the console, but do keep in mind, the game would be faster but laggier with the command. how To fix lag in Modern world mod without debug_smooth have no problem but game time is very slow . I got more planes in the region and its at my own territory. Almost all my divisions are stuck in an inland territory : r/hoi4. ago. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. . The Biden administration, under pressure to expand the arsenal of weapons that Ukraine has in its conflict with Russia, is working with European allies to expedite more sophisticated air-defense systems and other armaments into the war zone, U. Debug_smooth is a console command that prioritizes hardware towards the game, reducing input device priority. 2. r/hoi4. 2. I'm so confused pls help. Name the mod anything you like, then you will see an empty folder with that name in the path. Use Console Commands In Every Play Session. 815. r/hoi4. The only way this command can be executed. The cache files should be found in the documents/paradox interactive/hoi4 area of your PC. This does two things. Top posts of September 3, 2020. r/hoi4 • Every time, when I ally the Axis, they are a complete f*cking trash they can't even invade France, but when I am fighting them, the Austrian Painter enters a F*cking Beast mode and beats me up. 4. Maybe they don’t. It helps alot with performance issues. Skips the main menu and directly loads a save file (specified by file name but without the ". Playing in ironman mode is a good way to shake up your HOI4 experience. In tooltip debug mode, verbose debug data is shown in tooltips - for example, the tooltip that's shown when you hover over a location on the map will show state ID, province ID, etc. HOI4 has focuses to guide you while you learn the rest. subscribers . 2. Sets the initial speed of the game (0-4). Tad late. Please be patient. If youre having a problem with speed buy SSD. Millennium Dawn is a lot slower than vanilla, kaiserreich and R56. r/hoi4. -16GB of Ram. Start game, load savegame and save as new file, exit game. I want to do Ironman runs but my crap computer runs 5 speed at what is usually 3 speed. Requires ‘-debug’ in HOI4 launch options. ale [] - Adds all equipment resaerched. Though if you can't get it to work by typing in "-debug" in launch option, you may want to try validating. After running that command it cut. That mod runs slow as hell, nothing you can do about it. Is there a mod/way to make sure the following commands are executed so the game runs a gorillion times faster? I know I can do it myself but I was gonna play an ironman run and backed out bc this is essential. AETH2kg • 5 mo. NOTE: In order to use this command, you must add '-debug' to your HOI4 launch options - it will not work otherwise. 1. Drücken Sie Umschalt+2, §, ~, ` oder ALT+2+1 oder Umschalt+3, um die Konsole zu öffnen (je nach Tastaturlayout). I was accidentally in a non-ironman game because I was just playing a mod, and I forgot to turn ironman on. It cannot render a frame and advance the in-game clock to the next hour simultaneously. cp: It will add command power for the max of 100%. by Willam04. This is a total Greece rework mod. Haven't done an American run. nochecks and focus. The game runs a lot faster, but you take a big hit to FPS (time goes quicker, but moving around the map is choppy) To counteract this, lower your settings or download FPS map. UngusBungus_ • 6 mo. 000 and add the following code block behind it. 9 husky in the steam beta tab. 3. Game affecting commands. Edit: or even simpler, add -debug_smooth=no to the game's launch. 分享到:. While you should be able to play the game, expect poor performance in the later years- my laptop has twice the specs of yours and still struggles in the deep endgame when there's huge peace deals and many. -start_tag=TAG. In HOI4, when you puppet Poland as the German Reich, you will have Boleslaw Piasecki as the fascist leader of the Nazi puppet state. Use mods like fps map (there is also a mod which limits ai divisions) Delete units from random countries and/or countries you know are not going to participate in any wars. -i5 10th Gen. ROMANIAN_NATIONALIST • 2 hr. ago. debug_events: Comienza el recuento de eventos. Up-to-date help for the Hearts of Iron IV (PC) command. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand. r/hoi4 • After 100 hours of playing this game, i still don't know how to play. exe. Or -debug_smooth=no in steam launcher so you can play ironman(I may have typed the command wrong) Reply NotAKansenCommander General of the Army •. Go a few lines below to max_traits=0. Ive tried using terminal's open command and added the --args parameter to it but it immediately crashes. If you really are experiencing low frame rates (by running off a rasbperry pi or something) then simply lower the resolution. Rashtequil Mar 11 @ 2:18am. Open 'DocumentsParadox InteractiveHearts of iron IVSave Games' , open the newly created savegame file, search (CTRL-F) for the name of your generic created Admiral. Whenever I play hoi4 using RT56, the Italian AI always loses the war in a year against the Ethiopians, getting encircled and pushed out of Africa. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by. Hotfix with more performance tweaks is coming this weekend so you can wait and see if it helps at all. Ban parties without harm. LasagnaMan12 Mar 19, 2022 @ 1:55am. debug_smooth. [deleted] • 2 yr. Oct 24, 2023Playing Ironman with Debug_Smooth Hi ! I recently discovered the raw, unprecedented, and frankly sexy power of the debug_smooth command. ago. As in "in game hours" per second late game. Debug_smooth command in eu4? ahmedskulj10. Up-to-date help for the Hearts of Iron IV (PC) command debug_commands. remove south america and the spot optimization mod from steam workshop Do debug_smooth in console commands You. You can use debug smooth to help the game run faster if you don’t want to spend lots of money, I don’t know the full command but just search up debug smooth hoi4 command Reply More posts you may like. Don't run at max speed, stay at normal or slower. -start_speed=N. Quite a niche use but for my fellow hoi4 players who like making custom. This command will print data collected since the 'debug_dumpdiploactions' command was last executed. The only way this command can be executed - it will toggle frame smoothing. But I obviously can't do that with OWB. Avoid running additional mods. log file. I wouldn't recommend any performance mods as it messes with the ai just use this launch option. Join. You will notice that the game is now running much faster than before. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by. So far i have gotten to 2004 and he is still alive, which means that the focus tree section about his successor is locked. Open the saved file (Documents - Paradox Interactive - HOI4 - save games - "savedfilename") with sublime text. Lädt den Shader neu. 1. Become a developer and get the developer branch with it enabled. This helps a lot. The speed!!!!! (part 2 now with debug_smooth) r/hoi4. debug_smoothHOI4 is very CPU intensive. Without debug_smooth command it is 10/11 seconds till one day passes on 5 speed (not late game). Debug_events:. · moveunit. Use command console> type 'debug_smooth' > when it's 'off' the games runs at maximal possible tick, but it gives minor latency when moving the map Better Performance mod by Wekkop, this mod makes a real difference in speed. debug_smooth supposedly helps. 5. Even the rivers can be turned on or off in the game; use this command. The speed!!!!! (part 2 now with debug_smooth) r/admob • Taxes. It works. This opens an overview of your Mac, including your Mac model, processor, memory, "tell me the gpu ,processor and memory. Clear your game cache, you'll need to reselect the mods, but it reduces some lag. Def use debug menu: debug_smooth Reply More posts you may like. Now in the same folder, you should see a file called "launcher-settings. Honestly, the lag’s too bad that I might have to wait for the next hotfix. Список команд. debug_wireframe: Enables or disables HOI4’s forced wireframe. Debug_events: it starts different events or counts the existing ones. The game literally try to run as fast as it can. . hoi4" extension). . Use Console Commands In Every Play Session. A). Yes quitting the game helps, but it went back to super laggy after 1-2 months in-game time. 本文禁止转载或摘编. thanks in advance. r/hoi4 • How China Should be In Heart Of Irons IV. Hoi4 Unit CompositionHoi4 Units ModHoi4 Unit ExperienceHoi4 . Edit: also Geforce has different HOI4 settings and starts on the highest so put the settings down if you want. Remove microstates. debug_dumpdiploactions: Vuelca los datos de acción diplomática en el registro del juego. As long as you aren't moving around the map too much this will speed up your game. 공지 아카라이브 모바일 앱 이용 안내 (iOS/Android. Am I the only one who got in such situation?May or may not be an issue for the rest of ya on the beta. Geta UV light in your room and every three hours increase the brightness slowly until it matches the sun. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. Like you, If the war is still in full swing in 1941+ my FPS is in the tank (15ish). Leafent • 2 yr. Added checks to prevent CTD in cases where AI had sent invalid expeditionary forces. If you don’t want to see the sky, turn it off by using this command. S. As the follow-up to 2009’s Hearts of Iron III, this is the franchise’s fourth. Now that I know the starting strategies better I have many of the majors out of the picture by 1938-39. debug_smooth weather whatever these commands enable/disable should be the default. Type debug_mode for extended tooltips, then type help commandname, and just Google for console commands. Could you help me please? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. I just want to say that try these and have fun. These errors could for example be that a keyword was. 3. Valheim. The command "debug_smooth", does not work on eu4, but on hoi4 it does and it has drastically improved speed on hoi4, by speed I mean speed 5. This page includes help on how to use the command, argument explanation and examples. After executing this command, the current 'commandcount' will be outputted to the 'message. debug_smooth pause_in_hours 31692 this took 27min05s with AI enabled and 27min20s with AI disabled on my machine . Go a few lines below to max_traits=0. Keroro999 • 6 mo. Jump to latest Follow Reply. Created by Enigma Software House and distributed by Enigma Entertainment, Hearts of Iron IV is a sustainable strategic video simulation. Description. It will make the game appear lagging if your are moving across the map but it will speed it up. I had the problem before 4. Have you used the console command (. Tried Console Commands & Use Them Sparingly. · debug_achievements_clear. Debug_smooth Reply reply UrbanExplorer101 • Hoi4 is less reliant on GPU, so that dosnt really matter all that much. 5. Öffnet eine Tweaker-GUI. ago. This command can be used to spawn a specified amount of a unit in a province. 3. france24. 1936 - 1937 3min 7sec 1936 - 1938 6min 34sec 1936 - 1939 10min 12sec 1936 - 1940. Specs are: i5-10500H intel core (I think I remember this is the reason why big mods are slow) 16gb of memory. For Optimization; New Ideas, New Game Rules, New Events, Automatic Debug_Smooth off, New Optimization-Based Map and Options for Deleting Countries have been Added. I recently wanted to try my hand at Achievements but I cannot play the game as it runs far to slow (1 day = 1 minute). EU4 and HOI4 both got really bad recently. However the time isn’t moving as fast as normal. Last edited by Jäger ; May 31, 2021 @ 3:10am. no, in the steam library right click hoi4 and click properties, there are the launch options. Or better set it up in steam launcher settings with "-debug_smooth=no". r/hoi4. While you technically meet the minimum requirements, you're at the exact minimum on processor and graphics. ago. 4, but i can only go to 1. This thread is archived. Carbonated_Air. debug_commands: prints the current ‘commandcount’ to the message. Either in the Focus tree, or in the Economic decisions, it all depends on the internal faction (idk about "the military") and your country. My issue has come down to my old laptop and hoi4. Use Millennium Dawn: Optimization Submod then open the console and type debug_smooth (it decreases fps but makes time go a lot faster) and choose autosave monthly in game settings. I could just play with debug smooth, but the game really lags with it, it goes 2x faster for some. Only issue with optimisation is that it uses ONLY 2 cores of CPU. debug_crash: is a debug tool, when executed it will debug client crashes. ago. memes_in_space • 2 yr. 2(due to shit laptop) any help would be apprectiated comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Share. I've tried everything; from "-opengl" and "-debug_smooth" in the launch options, to using directX9, nothing seems to work. In conclusion, there are several ways to speed up HOI4; however, players must be aware. Tried Console Commands But Don’t Use Them. 1. reload weather [ (randomseed)] – the command is a weather regenerator or it reloads it too. #2. These games are CPU-bottlenecked. 【HOI4】做了个钢丝国策树编辑器. I'm new to hoi4, so I don't really know what I'm doing. It worked great for me and I highly recommend giving it a shot! Use the command ”debug_smooth”. Similar to slow depressurization after diving so you don't get the bends. and "tdebug" for the other. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by. Testing conditions were observing Germany on historical using debug_smooth. Description: The Best Mod just got even Better! This is the continuation of the popular "Beautiful States" mod. 189. The speed!!!!! (part 2 now with debug_smooth). My PC isn't a potato. Only thing what I did and could change was the ssd and the ram from 4 to 8gb The only thing what I can do is buy a new laptop which I can’t rlly afford oh and the mods that I was using were: FPS map, I had a mega nation, there was a mod called. Start game, load savegame and save as new file, exit game. Also is there a "debug_smooth" option for this game like there is in hoi4. 모드는 모르겠지만. Im trying tonuse debug_smooth butbits coming up with 'command avalible only to developers' idk wether its cos im in 1. Unless paradox decides to fix it the game ends somewhere between 41-47 depending on how strong your computer is lol.